
Another Magnificent 7 is in the books.  That’s bittersweet because it means spring is over and with it all the wonderful matches we are fortunate to have between March and June. 

This time we went into the final leg at Tennessee State with three people in contention to win the Men’s overall.  Cottonmouth Cole, Groundhog and Arcadia Outlaw all had a shot at winning it all.  Arcadia had an excellent match and pushed us into a rank point tie with 5 rank points for him and Groundhog with 5 rank points.  Total time is the tie breaker.  Because Tennessee State is a 12 stage match and all the others are 10 stages, I ‘evened out’ the times by taking Arcadia’s total time for TN and dividing it by 12.  That gave me his average stage time for the match.  I multiplied that by 10 and recorded that as his ten stage total time for TN State.  Here are the winners:

ShooterM7 CategoryMatches CountedRPTotal Time
Arcadia OutlawOverall Champ25514.60
GroundhogCowboy 1st place35535.76
Midwest HaleLadies Overall27
Copperhead JoeSenior 1st place38
Cotton Mouth ColeSenior 2nd place311
Fast EddieElder Statesman 1st place311
Doc Roy L. PainDuelist 1st place312
Captain Bill BurtSenior 3rd316
Brazos BelleLadies Senior 1st place319
PreachermanGunfighter 1st place320
Hanso LoweCowboy 2nd322
Christian MorticianCowboy 3rd322
Leadfoot LukeAll Around Cowboy 1st Place323
ShelleenSenior 4th323
Tin Can SailorSenior 5th323
Randy Saint EagleDuelist 2nd324
Badlands BobGunfighter 2nd326
PurlyCattle Barron 1st place228
Crooked BulletFrontier Cartridge 1st place334
Krazy KajunFC 2nd335
Tyrel CodyFC 3rd336
Dodge City DixieLady Senior 2nd236
Hey SugarLady Senior 3rd242
Cat A. TonicCowgirl 1st Place350
Reno MustangGunfighter 3rd252
YohanSenior 6th255
Max PayneCattle Baron 2nd356
English TomSenior 7th356
JustifiedFrontier Cartridge 4th257
Lucky Lead PepperDuelist 3rd258
Ophelia PayneLadies Senior 4th363
Smart *Outlaw 1st Place365
Uncle EthanGunfighter 4th366
CrawdaddyElder Statesman 2nd267
Pecos PeteCattle Baron 3rd367
ScarlettLady Gunfighter 1st368
TN TombstoneOutlaw 2nd269
Carolina YankeeSenior 8th370
Midnight RiderFrontier Cartridge 5th271
GunnbyLady Gunfighter 2nd377
Lawman MarkFrontier Cartridge 6th280
Cahawba KidFrontier Cartridge 7th383
Jimmie GunnfighterAAC 2nd387

Florida State – The Ides of March

ShooterM7 CategoryFL RPFL Time
Arcadia OutlawCowboy2179.16
Christian MorticianCowboy3185.34
Midwest HaleCowgirl4187.72
Santa Fe River StanCowboy5195.29
Wabash Valley SlimCowboy6224.14
Leadfoot Luke (GF)Gunfighter/AAC8244.61
Tin Can SailorSenior10260.55
Brazos BelleLadies Senior11264.73
Max Payne*Cattle Baron12266.66
Hey SugarLadies Senior13282.82
Krazy KajunFrontier Cartridge14288.95
Ophelia PayneLadies Senior15301.43
Scarlett (LFCD)AAC/LGF16310.09
Lawman MarkFrontier Cartridge17349.38
Badlands Bob*. (GF)GF/AAC18386.73
Carolina YankeeSenior19395.69
Trail BanditCattle Baron20409
Smart *Outlaw21492.97

South Carolina State – The Bushwhack

ShooterM7 CategorySC RPSC Time
Fast Eddie*Elder Statesman2180.16
Captain Bill BurtSenior3203.26
Leadfoot LukeCowboy/AAC4211.94
Brazos BelleLadies Senior5213.56
Tin Can SailorSenior7227.19
Randy Saint EagleDuelist8228.41
Tyrel Cody*FC9236.85
Hey SugarLady Senior10246.25
Crooked BulletGunfighter12248.95
Trail BanditCattle Barron13260.85
Badlands BobGF14276.03
Krazy KajunFC/AAC15278.17
Lucky Lead PepperDuelist16286.17
Christian MorticianCowboy17307.76
Carolina YankeeSenior19344.38
Jimmie GunnfighterFCGF/AAC21351.35
English TomSenior22558.69

Kentucky State

ShooterM7 CategoryKY RPKY Time
Copperhead Joe/BWSenior1227.02
Doc Roy L. Pain*Duelist2227.56
Badlands Bob SGF*GF/AAC4255.79
Tin Can Sailor/SSenior6288.76
Cat a Tonic/LWCowgirl7295.44
Pecos Pete/CBCattle Baron8322.51
Tennessee Tombstone/OOutlaw9326.25
Uncle Ethan/SSGFGF10338.43

Alabama State

ShooterM7 CategoryAL RPAL Time
Midwest Hale/CG*Cowgirl1159.33
Arcadia Outlaw/49Cowboy2169.61
Cottonmouth Cole/S*Senior3178.17
Copperhead Joe/BWSenior4188.19
Doc Roy L. Pain/ESD*Duelist5189.09
Hanso LoweCowboy6190.88
Captain Bill Burt/S*Senior7192.42
Randy Saint Eagle/ESDDuelist8193.04
Tin Can Sailor/S*Senior10197.85
Purly/CBCattle Baron11199.8
Brazos Belle/LSLadies Senior12200.9
Dodge City DixieLSS13202.61
Badlands Bob/SGFGF14206.84
Tuco Forsyth*FC15211.9
Reno Mustang/ESGFGF17214.05
Krazy Kajun/SFC*FC/AAC18224.5
Crooked Bullet/SFCGFrontier Cartridge19227.99
English Tom/SSenior20231.97
Ophelia Payne/GD*Ladies Senior21233.82
Cat a Tonic/LWCowgirl22234.51
Max Payne/CBCattle Baron23239.06
Lucky Lead Pepper/DDuelist24247.31
Tennessee Tombstone/O*Outlaw25249.98
Tyrel Cody/FCGFC26257.55
Justified/FCFrontier Cartridge27261.63
Uncle Ethan/SGFGF28276.84
Lawman Mark/SFCD*Frontier Cartridge29305.83
Midnight Rider/FCDFrontier Cartridge30311.33
Mister Badly/SSOOutlaw32327.2
Jimmie Gunnfighter/FC*FCGF/AAC33336.78
Carolina Yankee/SS*Senior34352.04
Smart Asterisk/ESOOutlaw35400.63
Cahawba Kid/FCD*FC37462.41

Georgia State

ShooterM7 CategoryGA RPGA Time
Santa Fe River Stan 49*Cowboy1174.88
Christian Mortician 49*Cowboy2182.84
Groundhog WRCowboy3191.65
Wabash Valley Slim 49Cowboy4199.47
Fast Eddie ES*Elder Statesman5204.57
Delta Glen S.*Cowboy6205.91
Copperhead Joe BWSenior7217.89
Purly CB*Cattle Barron8231.32
Shelleen SSenior9231.95
Captain Bill BurtSenior10235.15
Dodge City Dixie LSSLady Senior11252.82
Crooked Bullet FCGFFrontier Cartridge12255.34
Tin Can Sailor SSenior13255.53
English Tom S*Senior14255.62
Badlands Bob SGFGF15257.3
Trail Bandit PATCattle Barron16259.06
Preacherman SGFGF17259.3
Brazos Belle LSLadies Senior18260.24
Reno Mustang SGFGF19262.36
Max Payne CBARCattle Baron20273.28
Koda Joe GFGunfighter21286.15
Yohan SSenior22290.81
Cat A. Tonic LWCowgirl23293.25
Tuco Forsyth FC*Cowboy24294.07
Ophelia Payne GDLadies Senior25314.31
Gunnby LGFLGF26321.57
Krazy Kajun FCGFFC/AAC27323.41
Uncle Ethan SGFGF28336.18
Pecos Pete CBARCattle Baron29366.97
Carolina Yankee SSSenior30402.95
Smart * ESOOutlaw31419.31
Scarlett LFCGFAACG/LGF32443.77
Jimmie Gunnfighter FFC/AAC33526.48
Cahawba Kid FCDFC34579.61

Mississippi State

ShooterM7 CategoryMS RPMS Time
Cotton Mouth Cole SSenior1223.15
Brazos BelleLadies Senior2245.25
Hanso LoweCowboy3246.49
Krazy Kajun BPFC*FC/AAC4253.66
Justified BPFCFC5256
Preacherman GFGF6258.59
Tyrel Cody BFCGFC7275.58
Badlands BobGF8285.76
Yohan SSenior9357.6
Midnight RiderFC10363.51
Smart *Outlaw11485.15
Cahawba Kid BFCDFCG12507.21
Crooked Bullet BFCGFrontier Cartridge137093.5